Product Spotlight - Great Items For National Decorating Month  ‍

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Product Spotlight - Great Items For National Decorating Month  


April has been designated National Decorating Month. So if you have been putting off redecorating activities, this is the perfect opportunity to be bold and creative. After deciding on how to improve your home or office, check out the great items for National Decorating Month that will make you feel better about your surroundings. 

Plan Your Decorating Needs  

Many homes could use improvement, but owners must first decide how they want to redecorate it. Again, get your creative juices flowing and make the changes that best reflect your personal tastes and lifestyle. Some rooms just need newer furniture to replace worn-down pieces. Others might need a color change. When deciding on a color change, make sure the new colors coordinate and fit through the whole house layout. Look into patterns for accents such as throws and pillows to make them stand out. Ask family, friends or even an interior decorator if you need ideas. If you feel overwhelmed, consider making small changes like repainting walls first and then tackling bigger projects when you feel more confident. 

Products For the Home  

Once you know what redecorating changes you want to make, look into the best products that fit your needs. Owners who want to brighten their rooms can buy white sheer curtains for their windows and buy light-colored (light blue, yellow, pink) sheets and pillows for the bedrooms. Besides adding more color to the room, area rugs should be textured and durable. Potted plants, pretty flower vases and stylish lamps can also improve a room's look. 

Adding accents can boost your house's appeal. Instead of repainting walls, just hang artwork or framed prints. Put knick-knacks like colorful glass pieces on bookshelves and fireplace mantels. For beds and sofas, place seasonal throws and pillows on them, including Vera Bradley's Magnifique Floral throw for springtime beauty. 

Products For The Office 

While some employees might need approval from management before making any significant changes to their office, they usually can personalize it in small ways to make their work environment more appealing. Ensure that you have enough lighting in your work area with attractive floor or desk lamps. As with the home, small potted plants add a nice touch. Whiteboards and bulletin boards can both look great on the cubicle walls and keep the workers better organized. Consider placing small items on desks, including crystal paperweights, framed family pictures and customized clocks such as the Amherst Tabletop Clock from Howard Miller. 

If you have questions or need more ideas on great items for National Decorating Month, please contact one of our representatives. 

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